Hello and welcome to our website which aims to support autistic people and the neurodiverse community.

As a team we offer personalised advice, support and strategies to the following groups :

Individual Support for Autistic people

We offer bespoke sessions for people who self-identify or are diagnosed as autistic.

Support for Parents Carers & Families

We offer individualised sessions for families to meet their specific needs.

We have also developed a 7 session programme, covering key areas, for parents & carers who have an autistic child, young person or adult in their care.

Training for Staff working with Autistic People

Our bespoke educational sessions are designed to improve services delivered by private services, health professionals, teachers, foster carers, social workers and anyone who works closely with autistic people.

We endorse, promote and value the authentic autistic experience and aim to support the health and wellbeing of autistic people by helping them achieve their potential.

Our parental and staff training programmes aim to build an in-depth understanding of autism and link that knowledge to the autistic person’s individual profile.

Our sessions offer practical, person-centred, strategies to help achieve better connection, acceptance of the autistic mindset and build confidence to meet the needs of the individual.

All services have been developed with a view to creating a safe, respectful and structured educational environment to help promote the understanding that autism is a different way of:

  • Thinking

  • Communicating

  • Processing information

  • Perceiving the world

Carers & Families

3rd sector & private services

Autistic Individuals

Health, Education & Social Services


Our Team

Funding Sources for clients

• Private funding

• Independent Living Fund

• Personal Independence Payment

• Disability Living Allowance/ Adult Disability Payment

• Employment and Support Allowance

• Self-directed Support